Accurate Replica Limbert Spindle Chair

Charles Limbert Design. Features pinned mortise and tenon construction and true thru-tenons piercing through the top of the crest rail at the back of the chair.

Product ID: #510
Dimensions: 38H 18W 17D
Price:$Price upon request.

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Shown with our Limbert inspired table with square cut-outs, model number 640.

Shown with our Limbert inspired table with square cut-outs, model number 640.

Shown with our Limbert inspired table with square cut-outs, model number 640. An excellent laptop computer table, or lamp table.

Shown with our Limbert inspired table with square cut-outs, model number 640. An excellent laptop computer table, or lamp table.

 View of backs, set of four.

View of backs, set of four.